Cabin owners:
Renewable Energy Support Policy
The Department of Environment’s (DOE) Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) provides funding for cabin owners in Nunavut to help offset the cost of installing a renewable energy system on their cabin. This funding is provided in the form of a one-time non-repayable grant.
1. Who can apply?
- Nunavut residents who own a cabin: a Nunavut resident is a person whose primary residence is in Nunavut.
- The applicant must be at least 19 years of age.
- The grant is only available once per cabin.
2. What can I install?
- Renewable energy systems that bear the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) certification mark:
- Solar electric (photovoltaic, or PV) systems
- Wind systems
- Supporting battery systems to the above.
- *Note: CSA certification means that this product is legally allowed to be used in Canada.
3. Where can I install it?
- On a cabin in Nunavut.
- A cabin is defined as “Any permanently enclosed structure in a remote location used for camping and/or traditional land use activities and not used as a primary place of residence.”
4. When can I install it?
- You can install your chosen renewable energy system after you have received approval for the grant.
- Your project needs to be completed within 12 months of approval.
- Once you project is completed, provide project receipts and photos of the renewable energy system installation to CCS.
5. How much money is available to me?
- Up to $5,000 is available as a one-time per cabin, non-repayable grant once the application is approved.
6. How do I apply?
- Contact CCS to confirm your project is eligible for a grant at
- Obtain quotes from contractors and suppliers for completing your project.
- Complete your Cabin Grant Application Form, including a signed statutory declaration confirming that you are the cabin owner.
- Submit your application as soon as possible.
- Each year, there is a set amount of funding for this grant. This funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until all funding has been allocated. It is possible for funding to be fully allocated before the end of the year.
7. Where do I send my application?
- Send your application to the Climate Change Secretariat (CCS):
- By mail to Climate Change Secretariat, P.O. Box 1000, Stn. 1330, Iqaluit, NU, X0A 0H0
- By email to
- By fax to (867) 975-7799
- In person at:
- Building 5100, Iqaluit – Climate Change Secretariat
- Building 1104A, Iqaluit – Department of Environment Headquarters
- The Wildlife Office in your community
8. What criteria will CCS use to evaluate my application?
- All applications are processed in the order they are received by CCS; on a first-come, first-served basis. An application is considered received by CCS when it is completed correctly and contains all supporting documents.
- Applications will be evaluated based on:
- Completeness of application, and
- Technical feasibility.
- The Director of the Climate Change Secretariat reserves the right to make a final decision on all rebate applications.
9. When will I find out if I’ve been approved?
- CCS will give written notice stating whether or not your grant is approved within 30 days of receiving your application.
10. When will I receive the grant?
- You can expect to receive your grant within four weeks of having completed all the necessary financial paperwork after project approval. This paperwork will be included with your approval.
11. What costs are covered?
- Only new equipment, that bears the Canadian Standard Association (CSA)* certification mark is eligible.
- Renewable energy system and all materials required for installing the system. (Note: A complete list of eligible items can be found within the application package.)
- Solar electric (photovoltaic, or PV) systems.
- Wind systems.
- Supporting battery systems to the above.
- Shipping of the eligible renewable energy system, and materials required for installing it, to the community closest to the cabin’s location.
12. What costs are not covered?
- Purchases or work you undertake prior to approval of the grant.
- Owner labour.
- Removal of an existing system.
- Structural components of the cabin.
- Spare parts to support a system.
- Operations and maintenance.
- Replacing existing components of a system.
- Transportation of material and equipment between the community and the cabin.
- Any costs incurred if system components need to be replaced for reasons such as faulty components, damage during transportation, installation and/or operation, or other warranty-based issues.
13. Who will install my system?
- Many of the small renewable energy systems for cabins are defined as “plug and play” and they are easy to install (no specific knowledge requirement). Make sure you set up the equipment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations provided with the system. You are responsible for the installation. Keep in mind that labour is not an eligible cost for this program.
14. Can I appeal a decision?
- Yes, if you are not satisfied with the application decision, you have the right to appeal regarding the assessment and decision on your application for funding.
- Appeals for grants must be made within 30 days of the applicant receiving the decision on their application.
- The decision of the Deputy Minister of Environment shall be final.
15. What do I do once I have received a grant?
- Buy your equipment.
- Complete your project within 12 months of approval.
- Provide project receipts and photos of the completed renewable energy system installation to CCS.
16. What are my responsibilities?
- Providing accurate, complete, and detailed information in your application package, which includes a signed statutory declaration.
- Buying your CSA-certified renewable energy system equipment and get it shipped to your cabin after you receive approval from CCS.
- Installing your renewable energy system on your cabin, which must be located within the territorial boundaries of Nunavut.
- Having the legal right of access to your cabin where your new renewable energy system will be installed.
- Committing to setting up the equipment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations provided with the system.
- Submitting all receipts to CCS for documentation purposes, including a description of the equipment bought.
- Submitting photos of the finished renewable energy system installation. Photos are required of:
- Installed solar PV panels and/or wind turbine
- Battery bank
- Charge controller and inverter
17. What are the GN’s responsibilities?
- Providing assistance to you with the preparation of your application.
- Reviewing your application in a timely manner and providing a letter of response stating whether or not your project has been approved within 30 days of receiving your application.
- Providing grant funding to you, as per approved application.
- Including your renewable energy system in CCS’s territorial renewable energy project database.
18. How do I choose and install eligible equipment?
- Only new equipment is eligible for this grant.
- Choose equipment and components that are CSA certified.
- Solar Mounting Systems:
- Also known as racking systems generally consist of rails, brackets, mounting feet, bolts, and flashing that have been engineered to physically support solar PV panels. There is a wide variety of approved systems for mounting panels on roofs, walls, or on the ground.
- Important note: If you do not mount solar PV panels on racking designed specifically for solar, you may void the warranty on your solar panels.
- Safety equipment:
- Includes grounding system components (wires and lugs), disconnects, and rapid shutdown capabilities. These details will change depending on the system. For example, some solar racking systems have integrated grounding through the brackets and racking.
- Work with your supplier/installer to make sure your installation meets the latest electrical code requirements.
- Wind energy conversion system:
- The wind energy conversion system may be already integrated into the wind turbine – check with your supplier to see if this is the case.
19. Best Practices
Although not mandatory, we recommend the following:
- Get three quotes for your project to compare.
- Choose monocrystalline silicon solar panels, they are generally more efficient and of better quality.
- Use a reputable equipment supplier and check for certification markings on the equipment and specification sheets.
- Work with an experienced installer, supplier, or electrician to make sure your renewable energy system design meets the latest code requirements.
- Choose equipment and components should be certified to operate at low temperatures (-40C or lower).
- Inverters:
- Make sure you are using inverters designed for off-grid use.
- Pure sine wave inverters with surge capabilities are best if you will be using electronics in your cabin.
- Use 120VAC load center (e-panel) with 3-5 units 15A each breaker for regular household loads and wiring.
- 120VAC dual-outlet pre-installed and ready for use for regular household loads with plug makes your cabin AC wiring easy.
- Use a trickle-charger to maintain battery health.
- Ensure the structural integrity of the installation. Make sure your cabin can carry the physical load. Be safe!
20. Contact Us
Climate Change Secretariat
Department of Environment
Government of Nunavut
P.O Box 1000, Stn. 1330
Iqaluit, NU, X0A 0H0
Phone: (867)-975-7700