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GN Partners

Throughout the Government of Nunavut, there are several departments and territorial corporations that are responsible for energy services throughout the territory. Click the name of each stakeholder to learn more.

Department of Community and Government Services (CGS)

CGS is responsible for managing GN property, government procurement, administering utilities, promoting energy conservation in government facilities, and purchasing petroleum products in bulk. Within CGS there are two primary divisions responsible for energy-related matters: the Technical Services Division and the Petroleum Products Division.

Technical Services Division

The CGS-Technical Services section plays an important role in reducing energy consumption and the use of non-renewable resources in government facilities through the Nunavut Energy Management Program (NEMP).

Petroleum Products Division

The Petroleum Products Division (PPD) is a division of the Government of Nunavut’s Department of Community and Government Services.  PPD maintains inventories of petroleum products in all of Nunavut’s communities where no commercial suppliers (e.g. Esso, Shell, etc.) exist.  The mandate of PPD is:

A) To purchase, transport, deliver, store, distribute and sell refined petroleum products to residents in all communities of Nunavut in a safe, economic, efficient and reliable manner; and

B) To ensure a continuous supply of refined petroleum products (e.g. gasoline, diesel, Jet A-1, etc.) adequate to meet the current needs of consumers and the future development of Nunavut.

Each summer during the ice-free months, fuel is transported to each community via ocean tanker or tug and barge and is stored in on-shore bulk storage tanks. Locally hired and trained Fuel Delivery Contractors then deliver and sell the products to residents throughout the year.

For more information, visit CGS’s website.


Qulliq Energy Corporation

The Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) is a territorial corporation 100% owned by the Government of Nunavut. QEC is the only generator, transmitter, and distributor of electrical energy in Nunavut.

All electricity needs in Nunavut are met by imported fossil fuel supplies, specifically diesel fuel. Qulliq Energy is the only energy corporation in Canada without developed local energy resources or regional electricity transmission capabilities, creating a situation of huge diesel dependency. Each community in Nunavut has its own independent electricity generation and distribution system. There is no back-up grid.

QEC has approximately 14,400 customers across Nunavut.  Power is distributed to Nunavummiut through the operation of 25 stand-alone diesel plants.  Mechanical, electrical and line maintenance is provided from three regional centers, and administration of the Corporation’s business activities is coordinated from headquarters in Baker Lake and offices in Iqaluit.

Qulliq Energy Corporation is incorporated and operates under the Qulliq Energy Corporation
Act while its energy pricing is regulated pursuant to the Utility Rates Review Council Act.

For more information, visit the QEC website.


Nunavut Housing Corporation

The Nunavut Housing Corporation (NHC) works to bring targeted housing solutions to Nunavummiut through the delivery of the Public Housing program, GN Staff Housing program, and various homeowner support programs.

Public housing is delivered through Management Agreements with NHC’s 25 community partners, the Local Housing Organizations (LHO). Public housing represents 50% of all housing stock in Nunavut. The NHC also administers the Government of Nunavut (GN) Staff Housing portfolio utilizing the GN Staff Housing Policy. The GN Staff Housing portfolio represents 13% of the housing stock in Nunavut.

Between public housing and GN staff housing, the Nunavut Housing Corporation is directly responsible for the energy needs of 63% of all housing stock in Nunavut.  This includes both electricity and heating use.  In addition, NHC also administers various homeowner support programs that go towards saving energy

For more information, visit their website.


Department of Environment

The Department of Environment (DOE) has the lead responsibility for ensuring the protection, promotion, and sustainable use of natural resources in Nunavut. The Department of Environment delivers a wide range of regulatory and program functions to ensure the careful management of our resources.

Among its responsibilities related to energy and fossil fuel use in Nunavut, the Department is responsible for enforcing Nunavut’s environmental acts and regulations, including the Environmental Protection Act and the Spill Contingency Planning and Reporting Regulations. In this capacity, DOE monitors and investigates hazardous material spills, provides spill response training, and has initiated a home heating oil tank inspection program that involves free inspections of heating oil tank installations.

For more information, please visit their website.


Department of Finance

As a central agency, the Department of Finance advises the Minister of Finance and Cabinet’s Financial Management Board on fiscal and economic policy issues, administers Nunavut’s tax system, manages the GN’s annual budget development process, supports the financial operations of GN departments and public agencies, and works to ensure that the GN makes sound financial decisions and accounts for them in an accurate and transparent manner.

The Fiscal and Economic Policy section works with departments to understand the fiscal and economic implications of proposed policies, such as energy subsidies.  The Department of Finance also works to offset the high cost of electricity in the territory through energy subsidies that reduce the costs of home ownership and small business development.

For more information about the Department of Finance and the programs it offers, visit their website.


Outside Links

Below you will find links to various websites and sources of information outside the Government of Nunavut.

Natural Resources Canada (Energy)

Government of Canada website with a wealth of reports and data on energy in Canada.

Natural Resource Canada (ENERGY STAR)

Government of Canada website showcasing ENERGY STAR qualified products and services.

Center for Energy

An online resource showcasing energy facts and statistics from around Canada.

Energy IQ

An energy education resource for Canadians created by Canadian Geographic. Contains information and resources to help educators, students, and the public get a detailed look at energy across Canada.

Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA)

CanWEA is a national industry association, representing Canada’s wind energy industry. Their website contains information on the development and application of wind energy technology, products and services.

Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA)

CanSIA is a national trade association that represents approximately 500 solar energy companies throughout Canada. Their website contains information on solar technology and the industry as a whole.

International Energy Agency

An international organization dedicated to ensuring reliable, affordable, and clean energy for its 29 member countries. Website contains numerous technical reports on renewable energy, oil, natural gas, and other energy topics.

National Renewable Laboratory

A division of the United States Department of Energy, NREL develops renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The website contains numerous technical reports and research findings.


Energy Glossary

Alternating current (AC) – A type of electrical current that reverses directions at regular recurring intervals or cycles. In North America, the standard is 60 cycles, or 60Hz per second. 

Base load – The minimum amount of electric power that a utility must supply over a given period of time.

Capacity – The power output rating of a generator, typically measured in megawatts.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) – A non-toxic gas produced from the burning of fossil fuels as well as other processes. Carbon Dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas.

Cogeneration – The production of both electricity and useful thermal energy from the same energy source.

Demand-side management – All activities undertaken by a utility that reduces or curtails end-use energy demand. DSM is usually used to reduce customer load during peak demand or at times of supply constraint.

Direct current – A type of electrical current that flows in one direction, usually at a relatively low voltage and high current.

Distribution – A system of lines, transformers, and switches that transport electricity to customer load points such as homes and businesses.

District heating – Steam or hot water from an outside source used as a heat source in a building. The steam or hot water is usually produced by a utility at a central plant and piped into a building or multiple buildings.

Electricity – A fundamental form of energy that is expressed in terms of the movement and interaction of electrons. Electricity is typically produced at a central plant or from distributed sources such as solar panels.

Electric utility – A corporation or other entity that is responsible for the production and distribution of electricity. Nunavut’s electric utility is the Qulliq Energy Corporation.

Fossil Fuels – Energy source formed by decaying organic material (plant and animal matter) within the earth’s crust. Common fossil fuels are oils, coal, and natural gas.

Geothermal energy – Energy generated from heat found in the earth’s crust, usually in form of water or steam.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) – Those gases that prevent heat radiation from leaving the earth’s atmosphere, thus warming the planet’s surface. Common GHGs include: carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons.

Hydropower – The use of flowing or falling water from streams or lakes to produce electrical energy. Hydropower is a renewable resource.

Joule(J) – Unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by the force of one newton acting through the distance of on meter. A gigajoule (GJ) is equal to 1,000,000,000 joules.

Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) – A measure of electricity defined as a unit of power (kilowatt) supplied continuously for one hour. Used as a unit for pricing electricity (i.e. Iqaluit residential rate payers are charged $0.6029/kWh).

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) – Natural gas that is temporarily converted to a liquid form for ease of storage and/or transport. Natural gas is converted to a liquid by cooling it to approximately -162 degrees Celsius.

Megawatt-Hour (MWh) – A megawatt-hour is equal to 1000 kWh or 1,000,000 watt-hours.

Natural Gas – A naturally occurring gas that is primarily constituted of methane. Natural gas can be used to produce electricity, heat, or motive power.

Net-metering – Net metering is a program and billing practice that allows electricity consumers to produce their own electricity and use it to offset all or a portion of their electricity bill.

Nuclear Power – A facility in which heat produced in a reactor by the fissioning of nuclear fuel is used to drive a steam turbine.

Peak demand (load) – The point in time in which an electrical system experiences its highest demand. On a daily basis, typical peak demand occurs during the early evening or afternoon.

Petroleum Products Revolving Fund (PPRF) – The Revolving Fund provides the financial resources necessary for PPD to purchase and distribute refined petroleum products to customers in Nunavut. PPD is required by legislation to recover advances from the Revolving Fund through retail sales, operating on a ‘break-even’ basis. The Revolving Fund operates similar to a commercial line of credit.

Petroleum Products Stabilization Fund – The purpose of this fund is to stabilize the prices of petroleum products which often fluctuate due to volatile world energy markets. As such, the Stabilization Fund accumulates the profits or losses incurred by the PPRF, up to $10 million. The Stabilization Fund operates similar to a Retained Earnings Account.

Power grid – The network of transmission and distribution lines designed to deliver electricity to a region.

Power purchase agreement – A contract involving the purchase and sale of electricity, normally executed between a private power generating facility and a regulated electrical utility.

Primary energy – Energy sources that are found in their natural state, prior to any conversion. Examples of primary energy are coal, oil, sunlight, and wind.

Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC)– – Nunavut’s electric utility and sole provider of electricity in the territory. QEC is wholly owned by the Government of Nunavut.

Renewable Energy – Energy sources that are naturally occurring and continuously replenish. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric are examples of renewable energy sources.

Run-of-river plant – A hydroelectric plant which depends on the flow of a river or stream for power generation. It differs from a storage-based plant such a hydroelectric dam.

Secondary energy – Energy sources that are created as a result of the conversion of primary energy. Examples of secondary energy include electricity and heat.

Solar energy – Primary energy from the Sun in the form of radiation and heat. Solar energy can be harnessed and transformed into electricity or a heat source.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) – A device consisting of semiconducting materials that is converting solar energy into electricity.

Thermal Generation – The production of electricity from plants that convert heat energy into electrical energy. The heat in thermal plants can be produced from sources such as coal, oil, or gas.

Uranium – A naturally radioactive, metallic element. Uranium (specifically uranium-235) is the primary fuel for nuclear energy.

Voltage – The electrical force or pressure that causes current to flow in a circuit, measured in volts.

Watt – A unit for measuring electrical power. One watt is equal to the energy consumption rate of one joule per second.

Wind Energy – The kinetic energy present in wind motion that can be converted into mechanical energy to drive pumps or electricity generators.