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Whale Cove

La collectivité de Whale Cove, ou Tikirarjuaq (« pointe longue »), est nichée au fond d’une baie le long de la rive ouest de la baie d’Hudson. L’anse est située au nord d’Arviat, juste au sud de Rankin Inlet. Cette collectivité (population actuelle de 392 habitants) a été initialement établie par trois groupes inuits distincts (un groupe de l’intérieur des terres et deux groupes de la côte), qui sont venus à cet endroit lors d’une période particulière de peuplement au cours des années 1950. À l’heure actuelle, Whale Cove demeure principalement une collectivité traditionnelle aux dialectes et cultures divergents qui reflètent les traditions des peuples de l’intérieur des terres et de la côte.

L’abondance de la faune terrestre et marine a permis aux Inuits de Whale Cove de jouir de leur régime et mode de vie traditionnels. Le phoque, le morse et le béluga constituent l’essentiel du régime traditionnel. La chasse saisonnière au caribou et à l’ours polaire, ainsi que la pêche à la truite et à l’omble chevalier sont également de leurs activités régulières.

Afin de suppléer au régime constitué de poissons et de mammifères, des baies à haute teneur nutritive et des algues marines sont recueillies pour consommation.

Dans l’Arctique canadien, les infrastructures subissent les effets des changements climatiques – fonte du pergélisol, érosion côtière et modification de la configuration des températures et des précipitations. C’est ce qui a poussé le Conseil canadien des normes à mettre sur pied l’Initiative de normalisation des infrastructures du Nord (ININ) afin de créer des normes spécifiques.

This research looks at the causes of search and rescue (SAR) and more broadly unintentional injuries on the land in Nunavut. We focus on SAR because of the health and cultural importance to being on the land. Further, SAR costs the Government of Nunavut roughly $850,000 annually and in 2015 represented over 450 individuals requiring assistance.

What is Mercury/Methylmercury and what are its properties and potential harmful effects on the arctic?

Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal that changes into various chemical forms through geochemical processes.  It is an element that occurs naturally in the environment but with industrialization, humans have altered itc cycle by adding more mercury in the water, air and soil.

Improve fuel efficiency by replace aging fuel generators in Whale Cove

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Variable Flow Pumping
Removable Valve Covers
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit Meausres:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Improve fuel efficiency by replace aging fuel generators in Whale Cove

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Variable Flow Pumping
Removable Valve Covers
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit Meausres:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Improve fuel efficiency by replace aging fuel generators in Whale Cove

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Variable Flow Pumping
Removable Valve Covers
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit Meausres:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing