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Coral Harbour

La collectivité de Coral Harbour est située sur la rive sud de l’île de Southampton, sur la rive nord de la baie d’Hudson. Le nom inuktitut de la collectivité est Salliq, ou « île grande et plate faisant face au continent », alors que le nom anglais désigne le corail fossilisé que l’on trouve dans le havre.

Coral Harbour est l’un des meilleurs endroits du Nunavut pour observer la faune marine. Les îles Coates à proximité sont une aire de repos pour des colonies de morses. Deux refuges d’oiseaux, soit les refuges d’oiseaux migrateurs de Baie-East et d’Harry-Gibbons, sont bien connus des observateurs d’oiseaux. Des milliers d’oies des neiges, ainsi que des cygnes siffleurs, des grues du Canada et d’autres espèces migrent à cet endroit au printemps. Les pourvoiries locales proposent des excursions en bateau pour observer la faune de la région.

Dans l’Arctique canadien, les infrastructures subissent les effets des changements climatiques – fonte du pergélisol, érosion côtière et modification de la configuration des températures et des précipitations. C’est ce qui a poussé le Conseil canadien des normes à mettre sur pied l’Initiative de normalisation des infrastructures du Nord (ININ) afin de créer des normes spécifiques.

What is Mercury/Methylmercury and what are its properties and potential harmful effects on the arctic?

Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal that changes into various chemical forms through geochemical processes.  It is an element that occurs naturally in the environment but with industrialization, humans have altered itc cycle by adding more mercury in the water, air and soil.

The Nunavut Climate Change Partnership (NCCP) was a collaborative partnership between the Government of Nunavut, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, and Natural Reosurces Canada to build capacity for community-level adaptation planning.

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Parking Receptacle Control
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
Parking Receptacle Control
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation
Domestic Water Retrofits
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Parking Receptacle Control
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
Parking Receptacle Control
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation
Domestic Water Retrofits
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Lighting Controls
Programmable Thermostat Installation
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Parking Receptacle Control
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Gym Lighting Redesign (LED)
Lighting Controls
Parking Receptacle Control
AHU VAV Conversion / Demand Control
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Building Envelope Sealing

Retrofit measures:
LED Tube Retrofits
New LED Fixtures (Interior)
LED Screw In Lamps
New LED Fixtures (Exterior)
Removable Valve Covers
Appliance Replacement
New Building Automation System Installation
Domestic Water Retrofits
Building Envelope Sealing