We are pleased to announce the release of A Homeowner's Guide to Permafrost in Nunavut!
This guide provides homeowners in Nunavut with knowledge and resources to make simple changes around their home to help the permafrost stay frozen beneath it. It explains what permafrost is, how climate change is affecting it, the impacts to houses from thawing permafrost, and the importance of preventing thaw. The guide will also help local decision-makers with adaptation actions that are relevant to the communities they serve.
The guide was developed by the Government of Nunavut Department of Environment, Climate Change Section, with funding support from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development’s Climate Change Funding Partnership. The guide has also been developed in partnership with the Nunavut Housing Corporation, Natural Resources Canada, Centre d’Études Nordiques - Université Laval, City of Iqaluit, and the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office. This guide was developed as part of a series with the Government of Northwest Territories’ A Homeowners Guide to Permafrost in the Northwest Territories.
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