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Pond Inlet

Pond Inlet is located on the northeastern shore of Baffin Island, across from Bylot Island. It is known to the Inuit as Mittimatalik, “the place where Mittima is buried”. Although the name remains, the identity of Mittima is a mystery to the present-day people of Pond Inlet.

Pond Inlet, home to just below 1,500 inhabitants, is one of Nunavut’s treasure troves. The gorgeous scenery is a mix of mountains, glaciers, and icebergs that attract many tourists from all over the world. As part of the Government of Nunavut’s decentralization strategy to create jobs throughout Nunavut, Pond Inlet is now a Qikiqtani regional centre for the Department of Economic Development and Transportation. The community looks to the growth sectors of government, tourism and businesses involving arts and crafts and wildlife harvesting for future economic development.

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