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This section includes research initiatives, databases, resources and a listing of ongoing and completed projects related to Climate Change in Nunavut.

If you have conducted climate change research in Nunavut that you would like to publish on this site, please download the Project Summary Submission Guidelines.


Research Initiatives

ArcticNet Integrated Regional Impact Studies (IRIS)

ArcticNet brings together scientists and manager with their partners from Inuit organizations, northern communities, federal and provincial agencies and the private sector to study the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic.

ArcticNet Publications Database

The ArcticNet Publications Database describes 1600 publications from ArcticNet, 322 publications from the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) and 207 publications from the International North Water Polynya Study (NOW). 

Nunavut Regional Adaptation Collaborative

A territory-wide program focusing on advancing adaptation knowledge and decision-making abilities with regard to Nunavut's mining sector. 

Pan-Territorial Adaptation Initiatives

Addressing climate change and identifiying approaches for supporting current and future climate change adaptation projects across the Canadian Arctic.


Research Resources

Researchers' FAQ

Conducting research in Nunavut? Be sure to check out the Research Licencing tab at the Nunavut Research Institute's website. It has information on the licencing process, frequently asked questions, and some great resources for helping you to apply for licences.

Literature Review Map

A geographically organized compendium of current Climate Change research literature regarding the Canadian North.

Nunavut Research Institute Licensing Compendium 

Visit the Nunavut Research Institute's website to see summaries of past research being done in Nunavut. Note: not all projects relate specifically to climate change. Click below for the most recent years! Inuktitut versions will follow soon.

2012 Compendium

2011 Compendium

Community Research Projects

Project Title Project Categories Post Date Summary
Climate Communication and Adaptation: Engaging Maritime Publics Animals, Landscape, Sea Ice & Ice, Traditional Activities 02-17-2017

This research on climate change communication compares maritime communities in diverse climate zones to identify differences and similarities in local perceptions of climate change and global climate action, and associated effects on local participation in environmental management.

Climate Change and Health Research: Photovoice Workshop for Youth Food Security, Health & Disease, IQ, Landscape, Permafrost, Plants, Sea Ice & Ice, Sea Level, Temperature, Terrestrial Environment, Traditional Activities 12-01-2014

Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre hosted a 3-day youth photovoice research training workshop from September 26-28, 2014.

Climate change and food security in regional Inuit centers Food Security 03-06-2012

Using in-depth case studies, this project will identify and characterize the vulnerability of food systems in four regional Inuit centers (RIC) (Iqaluit, Arviat, Inuvik and Kuujjuak) to climate change as a basis for identifying adaptation entry points.

Climate change and commercial shipping development in the Arctic Resource Development, Transportation 03-06-2012

To what extent will shipping develop in the Northwest and Northeast Passages, and with what kind of shipping: will it be transit shipping, fishing, tourism, transportation induced by natural resources mining?

Climate Change Adaptation Project - Permafrost Thaw and River Erosion in Kugluk Territorial Park Heritage, Permafrost, Terrestrial Environment, Tourism 05-10-2018

The Kugluk Territorial Parks Project is a Climate Change Adaptation project by the Climate Change Secretariat in partnership with Nunavut Parks and Special Places. This project addresses the impacts of climate change being experienced in the Kugluk Territorial Park with an end goal of adapting to those environmental changes. 

Climate Change Adaptation for Nunavut Decision Makers Course Animals, Aquatic Environment, Energy, Food Security, Health & Disease, Heritage, IQ, Landscape, Permafrost, Plants, Resource Development, Sea Ice & Ice, Sea Level, Security & Safety, Temperature, Terrestrial Environment, Tourism, Traditional Activities, Transportation, Watershed, Weather & Precipitation 03-27-2015

This course informs government staff of climate change impacts and how to incorporate climate change into deision-making across all government sectors.

Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO), Melville Island Aquatic Environment, Watershed 03-06-2012

To determine the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems and freshwater quality and availability in the High Arctic, we created a water-shed and landscape ecosystem observation network. 

C-Change – Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategies Sea Level 04-09-2013

The C-Change Project is a joint funded project with SSHRC and IDRC, headquartered out of the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottaw

Building Capacity to Monitor the Risk of Climate Change on Water Quality and Human Health: A Two Year Journey Expanding Community-Based Leadership in Pond Inlet Aquatic Environment, Health & Disease, Watershed 01-06-2016

A community project in Pond Inlet. We are a group of 3 young Mittimatalirmiut and we wish to research water quality and develop more skills in research! Access to healthy water is of paramount importance for Mittimatalirmiut. Water is important to keep us alive, sturdy and healthy; and bad water can be harmful for our people- our beloved elders, youth and infants. Water also an important cultural value to our people since many of us are going out on the land in order to provide our family with fresh water, just as our elders used to and they proudly taught us.

Assessing Berries to Monitor Ecological Change: a collaboration with Nunavut Arctic College's Environmental Technology Program Landscape, Permafrost, Plants, Terrestrial Environment, Traditional Activities, Weather & Precipitation 10-20-2015

Students of ETP have been contributing to a multidisciplinary study looking at vegetation response in a warming Arctic context, with a focus on ber