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This section includes research initiatives, databases, resources and a listing of ongoing and completed projects related to Climate Change in Nunavut.

If you have conducted climate change research in Nunavut that you would like to publish on this site, please download the Project Summary Submission Guidelines.


Research Initiatives

ArcticNet Integrated Regional Impact Studies (IRIS)

ArcticNet brings together scientists and manager with their partners from Inuit organizations, northern communities, federal and provincial agencies and the private sector to study the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic.

ArcticNet Publications Database

The ArcticNet Publications Database describes 1600 publications from ArcticNet, 322 publications from the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) and 207 publications from the International North Water Polynya Study (NOW). 

Nunavut Regional Adaptation Collaborative

A territory-wide program focusing on advancing adaptation knowledge and decision-making abilities with regard to Nunavut's mining sector. 

Pan-Territorial Adaptation Initiatives

Addressing climate change and identifiying approaches for supporting current and future climate change adaptation projects across the Canadian Arctic.


Research Resources

Researchers' FAQ

Conducting research in Nunavut? Be sure to check out the Research Licencing tab at the Nunavut Research Institute's website. It has information on the licencing process, frequently asked questions, and some great resources for helping you to apply for licences.

Literature Review Map

A geographically organized compendium of current Climate Change research literature regarding the Canadian North.

Nunavut Research Institute Licensing Compendium 

Visit the Nunavut Research Institute's website to see summaries of past research being done in Nunavut. Note: not all projects relate specifically to climate change. Click below for the most recent years! Inuktitut versions will follow soon.

2012 Compendium

2011 Compendium

Community Research Projects

Project Title Project Categories Post Date Summary
Water, mud, and bubbles: Impacts of permafrost degradation on greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic ponds and lakes Aquatic Environment, Permafrost 12-14-2015

Carbon cycle dynamics in response to permafrost degradation is a ‘hot topic’ in northern research.

Transnational Climate Change Mobilisationg: The Impact of the 2005 Inuit Petition Heritage, IQ 07-13-2016

In 2005, Sheila Watt-Cloutier and 62 Inuit elders and hunters from Canada and the United States joined forces with environmental lawyers in the US and submitted a petition before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

The response of White Glacier to Arctic Warming over the past 55 years Landscape, Sea Ice & Ice, Weather & Precipitation 09-21-2015

White Glacier is a 14 km long alpine glacier located on Axel Heiberg Island in the northwest part of Nunavut.

The People, Animals, Water and Sustenance Program Animals, Aquatic Environment, Health & Disease, Terrestrial Environment, Traditional Activities, Watershed 07-28-2016

The People, Animals, Water, and Sustenance (PAWS) Project is interested in gaining a better understanding of the relationships Iqaluit Inuit have with dogs, water, and food. Currently there are gaps in our understanding of the interactions between dogs, water, and food in a Northern context. In-depth interviews on these topics coupled with sampling of dog feces, water, and clams will help us understand how these relationships interact together and how these relationships may be changing.

The Nunavut Regional Adaptation Collaborative Energy, Permafrost, Resource Development, Sea Ice & Ice, Transportation 02-17-2012

A territory-wide program focusing on advancing climate change adaptation knowledge and decision-making  on resource development in Nunavut.

The emerging Arctic security environment Security & Safety 03-06-2012

Our project examines the fundamental questions: what is Arctic security? What should policy makers anticipate that the circumpolar world will look like in the future, given the various forces that are now transforming this region?

Snowmelt project Aquatic Environment, IQ, Temperature, Watershed 05-22-2015

Metal loading and retention in Arctic tundra lakes during spring runoff

Search and Rescue in Nunavut IQ, Landscape, Security & Safety, Transportation, Weather & Precipitation 08-09-2016

This research looks at the causes of search and rescue (SAR) and more broadly unintentional injuries on the land in Nunavut.

Sea-Ice Monitoring Sea Ice & Ice 02-07-2012

Examining sea ice, sea ice use, and sea ice change in the communities of Qaanaaq, Greenland, Barrow, Alaska, and Clyde River, Nunavut. Want to get involved? You'll find a complete guide on how to set up a Sea-Ice Monitoring Program for your own community here!

Sea Ice of the Arctic Aquatic Environment, Sea Ice & Ice 03-06-2012

This project brings together key sea ice researchers to examine the processes that cause the observed changes in sea ice dynamic and thermodynamic processes, snow cover, and physical coupling across the ocean-sea ice-atmosphere (OSA) interface.