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Santé et Maladies

Project Title Post Date Summary
The People, Animals, Water and Sustenance Program 07-28-2016

What is PAWS?

Inuit women and environmental change: examining experiences and adaptations in Iqaluit, Nunavut 12-17-2015

This is an updated summary of the previous project posted on December 2, 2014  To see the previous summary please visit

To see the most recent summary please visit

Initiatives d’adaptation panterritoriale 04-04-2012

Sur le thème des changements climatiques, on décrit des approches permettant de soutenir les projets d’adaptation actuels et futurs aux changements climatiques dans tout l’Arctique canadien.

Initiative de collaboration pour l'adaptation régionale du Nunavut 04-01-2012

Un programme à l’échelle du territoire axé sur l’avancement des connaissances liées à l’adaptation aux changements climatiques et sur la prise de décision relative à la mise en valeur des ressources au Nunavut

Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change (IHACC) 09-16-2015

IHACC is a multi-year, trans-disciplinary, community-based initiative working with remote Indigenous populations in the Peruvian Amazon, Canadian A

Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Mitigation: Community-based Surveillance for Environmental Health 09-16-2015

Recent research uncovered the highest rates of self-reported enteric illness (i.e., diarrhea and vomiting) reported in the world to be in Iqaluit,

Études d’impact régionales et intégrées (IRIS) d’ArcticNet 04-04-2012

ArcticNet réunit des scientifiques et leur responsable ainsi que leurs partenaires, notamment des organismes inuits, des collectivités nordiques, des agences provinciales et fédérales et des acteurs du secteur privé pour étudier les impacts des changements climatiques dans l’Arctique canadien côtier.

Building Capacity to Monitor the Risk of Climate Change on Water Quality and Human Health: A Two Year Journey Expanding Community-Based Leadership in Pond Inlet 01-06-2016

A community project in Pond Inlet. We are a group of 3 young Mittimatalirmiut and we wish to research water quality and develop more skills in research! Access to healthy water is of paramount importance for Mittimatalirmiut. Water is important to keep us alive, sturdy and healthy; and bad water can be harmful for our people- our beloved elders, youth and infants. Water also an important cultural value to our people since many of us are going out on the land in order to provide our family with fresh water, just as our elders used to and they proudly taught us.

A Summary of MethylMercury and Climate Change Research in Nunavut 06-27-2016

Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal that changes into various chemical forms through geochemical processes. It is an element that occurs naturally in the environment but with industrialization, humans have altered its cycle by adding more mercury in the water, air, and soil.