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Weather & Precipitation

Project Title Post Date Summary
Kangiqtugaapik (Clyde River) Weather Station Network- Silalirijiit Project 06-12-2013

Summary coming soon, but for now please visit to access up-to-dat

ArcticNet Integrated Regional Impact Studies (IRIS) 03-16-2012

ArcticNet brings together scientists and managers with their partners from Inuit organizations, northern communities, federal and provincial agencies and the private sector to study the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic.

Instability of coastal landscapes in Arctic communities and regions 03-06-2012

Seasonal changes in the northern landscape, together with extreme weather events, can create instability and hazards, including flooding, landslides, thaw failure and subsidence, coastal ice push, storm surges, and coastal erosion. Our project team is measuring both the drivers of change and the effects of instability in community landscapes at selected sites across the Arctic.

Pan-Territorial Adaptation Initiatives 02-17-2012

Addressing climate change and identifying approaches for supporting current and future climate change adaptation projects across the Canadian Arctic.