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Weather & Precipitation

Project Title Post Date Summary
Pan-Territorial Adaptation Initiatives 02-17-2012

Addressing climate change and identifying approaches for supporting current and future climate change adaptation projects across the Canadian Arctic.

Portraits of Resilience: Many Strong Voices 01-04-2016

Many Strong Voices is an organization that visited the community of Pangnirtung and did a community based Photo Voice type project with the Youth.

Search and Rescue in Nunavut 08-09-2016

This research looks at the causes of search and rescue (SAR) and more broadly unintentional injuries on the land in Nunavut.

The response of White Glacier to Arctic Warming over the past 55 years 09-21-2015

White Glacier is a 14 km long alpine glacier located on Axel Heiberg Island in the northwest part of Nunavut.